Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How to Win the Lottery

"I never won anything,
UNTIL I changed my mind about winning!"

This could happen to you

Some time ago at a party, I met a guy, Alberto, who developed a habit of winning the lottery jackpots. First he won $816,000, then about six months later he won $2.2 million, then a year later he won another $6.1 million - all playing lottery. When I met him, he already traveled twice around the globe and was packing bags for his third adventure around the world.

Alberto used to work as a street car driver, without much hope of experiencing financial freedom through his employment. Now, he is free, loaded with cash and he enjoys all the extra attention he gets. Alberto was always a friendly and a caring kind of guy, helping people around him and this extra money gave him the opportunity to get more out of life and be able to do more for people he loves and cares for. With his knack for foreign languages he is having a blast traveling around the world, exploring and sharing in the richness of life, the abundance of natural beauties, the wealth that different countries and cultures have to offer.

Perhaps like Alberto used to be, you are in a dead-end job and the way you see it, the only way out is through winning the lottery. Perhaps you are doing the best you can to improve your life and you are already managing your finances well, saving and investing money, but you know that winning the lottery could help you to get the things that only money can buy - maybe you like to spend more quality time with your family, or get some expensive toys, get out of debt, have more time to learn new things and better the overall quality of your life, or simply live it up and indulge in sweet luxuries and give to your family, friends and all the people you love more than you were able to give before.

Maybe you've never played the lottery before and maybe you've been playing it for a while, but have never won anything. And maybe you would like to know what exactly did Alberto do to win a lottery jackpot, not once, not twice, but three times already.

Some people will tell you that you gotta be lucky to win. My friend, Vittorio, who won $45,000 playing Lotto 6/49 believes that you gotta be lucky to win and that lottery is the only way out. Vittorio often wins several hundred dollars on instant lottery tickets and he often finds $50, $100 or even few hundred dollars on the street - money that some unlucky person dropped and left, long before Vittorio came along. Vittorio uses NO system for winning the lottery. He knows nothing about the law of attraction or about using his mind power intentionally - he has merely conditioned his mind through winning, through finding money and through expecting to find money or win it. Vittorio is a gambler at heart.

Alberto played more sensibly - yes, he believed to be lucky, he expected to win, and he did all he could to maximize his chances of winning. You, too, can maximize your chances of winning by covering as many possibilities as you can. You can decide how you want to play and how much money would make a difference in your life.

Like many other people who eventually mastered the art and science of winning, I used to play games of chance and I won nothing UNTIL I changed my mind about winning - instead of just hoping to win, I decided to win - and so can you. I didn't just rely on luck - I chose to create my luck, and so can you. When I learned the secret and kept on applying it, I kept on winning, and so can you. And by the way "the secret" was never secret, nor was it hidden - it's just that most people didn't care to look for it.

In one of his books, Joseph Murphy tells of a man who lost all the money he had - about $250,000 gambling in Las Vegas. He didn't even have enough money to go back home. He had to phone his family to wire him the money so that he could buy a ticket and return home. The man was desperate and he asked Joseph Murphy what to do. Joseph Murphy gave him few suggestions, which this man dutifully kept on applying every day for six months. Remember that the secret of success is in applying yourself UNTIL you achieve your goal - whatever time it takes - where few days, few weeks, few months or years.

After six months of daily application of mental suggestion, the man had a dream and in a dream he dreamt that he was in a Las Vegas casino, playing at a blackjack table, where he won over $250,000. it just happened that there are no coincidences and that the man's company transferred him to Las Vegas. He went to the casino from his dream and there in the casino was a table and a dealer from his dream and he won over $250,000.

On his Personal Power CDs, Tony Robbins tells a story about a couple who were present at his Goal-Setting workshop. During the goal-setting workshop he mentioned a woman who absolutely needed to get $100,000 for her business venture, within a couple of months. The woman never made more than $30,000 a year and he thought that perhaps her goal was a bit unrealistic, but decided that it's not his place to stand in her way. The woman appeared few months later on his next Goal-Setting workshop and said how she won those $100,000 playing the lottery, just before the deadline she has set for herself.

This time she set a goal to get $200,000. It wasn't that urgent, so she gave herself a deadline of six months. And just near the end of her deadline, she again won the lottery - and she won exactly $200,000 that she needed.

A couple that were present at that workshop wondered why did she settle for so little, why not go for $1,000,000 (it's only a matter of zeroes). They decided to put into practice what they have learned. They embraced their inner power and the vision of themselves as lottery jackpot winners. They drove everyone around the mb crazy. They didn't win the first time they played, or the second, but the third time they hit it big and they won over $1,000,000.

You too can strike it rich using the power of your mind. To find out more, visit How to Win the Lottery
Good luck!

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

How I lost weight - 30 lbs - and you can too

As I mentioned in the previous blog, the first two things people learn in a hypnosis training is how to help others to lose weight and stop smoking. While I have attended those training I didn't really care less about either - I didn't have any "weight" problem then, but somehow over the years I have started to pile pounds at first slowly and then faster and faster. I have begun to believe that losing weight and getting down to the weight I had as a teenager and throughout most of my life was an impossible dream because initially any attempt to shed some extra pounds didn't prove all that successful for me. I wasn't on any temporary diets, nor did I attempt to lose weight, since I have already accepted that it would be impossible for me - but as I changed my lifestyle, the impossible dream came true. At the time I made this video with techniques that have worked for me, I have dropped 25 lbs, and over the next few months I have dropped 5 more lbs and now I am delighted to say that I do weigh as much as I weighed when I was a teenager - about 111 lbs.

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How I Stopped Smoking and You Can Too

The first things anyone who attends hypnosis training learns is how to help others to quit smoking and to lose weight and sometimes that is easier said than done, and just because hypnotists learn how to help others, doesn't mean that they are not having a challenge themselves with those same issues. Now, I believe that hypnotists who have managed to first create change in themselves before trying to assist others are in better position to help because they have not only theoretical knowledge, but a very practical understanding - a personal experience related to encountering and overcoming all sorts of inner obstacles.

In this video, I have shared my path and while quitting smoking was easy - I've done it so many times over the years - stopping smoking for good was something quite different, something that at one time in my life I considered close to impossible in spite of countless successes I had with using hypnosis and NLP techniques on myself and others. Sometimes when we plant seeds of desire in our subconscious minds, it takes a while for them to sprout and take form, and even when it seems that nothing is happening and that the situation may be hopeless, our subconscious is working in the background and paving the way, and eventually we get to experience what may feel like a miracle. And for me, the way I lost desire to smoke altogether some years ago, felt and to this day feels exactly like a miracle. here's my story:

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The Power of Gratitude

Find out how gratitude can help you to accelerate the manifestation of your heartfelt desires. Gratitude fulfills the law of multiplication. Gratitude is the essence of creating wealth and abundance in your life, because when you experience gratitude you acknowledge that you already "have" and perhaps you have already heard the phrase that those who have will have more, and those who don't will lose even that which they have. The reason for this is that we are constantly attracting into our lives that which we subjectively experience as true for us and when we experience gratitude we begin to resonate with the vibration of "having", with the vibration of "abundance", with the vibration of "wealth" instead of lack of anything, so we open ourselves to receive more and more blessings into our lives.

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5 Secrets to Successful Self Hypnosis Video

I am very excited to share this video with you because I have received numerous emails from people who have seen this video and have decided to apply what they've learned consistently and as a result have experienced amazing results in changing their bodies, their finances, their relationships and their lives.


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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Self Acceptance and Freedom From Guilt

"There is a criterion by which you can judge whether the thoughts
you are thinking and the things you are doing are right for you. 
The criterion is: Have they brought you inner peace?"
-Peace Pilgrim 

We come into this world freely expressing ourselves, and then slowly but surely, our wings get clipped, as we are taught that "this is good", "thas is bad", and if we want to fit into society we need to behave in a particular way or else we may get ostracized. As if that were not enough, many of those who go through some kind of religious upbringing, grow up with additional guilt complexes, because to live up to the ideal presented by a religion, people are often expected to deny and suppress their human nature, their human needs and desires and suppression always creates problems - first mental and emotional, and eventually even physical - because the suppressed energy needs to express in some way.

Every now and then I get emails from young men who were at some point in their lives told that if they want to progress spiritually they should abstain from sex. Instead of experiencing greater inner peace, they have found themselves in the midst of inner hell. When they are abstaining from sex, they are experiencing inner pressure from all the built-up energy that needs some kind of an outlet, and is driving them mad, because no one taught them how to channel this energy in some other constructive way. And when they can't bear the inner pressure any more and succumb to the urge to merge, they end up feeling terribly guilty. And since no matter what they do, they feel worse and worse, some of these young men end up staying in mental hospitals because they don't know how to deal with this inner conflict created by those who were supposed to be helping people and not make them crippled.

Every now and then I get emails from people who keep saying "I don't need any money" or "Who needs money?" and then somewhere along the way, they begin to cry how they need money to go to a dentist, how everything is so expensive, and how they've been cursing some store owners for charging so much money for food or clothes or nutritional supplements or whatever it is that they need. This is most often the case with people who would like to think of themselves as "spiritual", and who have somewhere along the way adopted a belief that "money is unspiritual", that "money is bad", and moreover that if they admit that they need money, they will become somehow "unholy". Spirituality is inclusive.

Being "holy" or "whole" implies inclusiveness. You cannot be and experience yourself as "whole" if you split yourself into bits and pieces and then reject parts of yourself, as if they were not an integral part of you. Being "whole" implies embracing all of your energy, all that you have judged and labeled as "good" and wonderful about you and all that you may have judged and labeled as "bad" or undesirable. All those "good" and "bad" things are just energy.

When you reject parts of yourself because you have labeled them as "bad", your own energy, your own life-force is vested in maintaining those parts, in pushing and suppressing that energy so that you wouldn't be aware of it, so that you wouldn't have to deal with it. You are using your energy to push them away, to hide them from yourself and others, because you don't know what to do with them. When you do this, it creates stress, pressure, inner conflict, anxiety, guilt. It blocks the free flow of energy within you and in time creates mental, emotional and physical problems. It keeps away from you the experience of fully experiencing the joy of life, the experience of feeling an abundance of life-force freely flowing through you, freely expressing through you. When you block the free flow of energy within you, you feel tired, you age faster, you compromise your immune system, and you erect a barrier that prevents many wonderful things coming into your life.

When you embrace all of your parts, when you invite and welcome them, love them and accept them, regardless of how imperfect or undesirable you may have considered them to be, enormous energy becomes liberated within you. With each part that you embrace, you are becoming free of some unnecessary burden, of baggage you have been carrying around, you begin to feel lighter, you can breathe easier, you feel more energized, you can accomplish more things, you have more energy to invest in creating the life you'd enjoy living, you feel good about yourself, you become healthier, and more importantly, you begin to experience inner peace.

When you include and integrate all that is part of you, there is no longer inner conflict, there is no more inner war, there is no more any friction within you that creates stress - there is only sweet peace.

When you look at your life, you may become aware of many things you did or said, that perhaps you wish you did or said in some other way. You may become aware of many errors you made you wish you haven't. You may become aware of all sorts of weaknesses and imperfections. And if you look around you, the great news is - we are all in the same boat. All of us have our own weaknesses and imperfections, all of us have done countless things we may wish we did differently. Have you ever met any perfect human being? I don't think so. It is ludicrous to expect perfection either from yourself or from others. And as long as you are living, and growing and learning new things, you can rest assured that you will make many more errors.

The only thing any of us can do, at any point in time is simply do our very best. If you commit yourself to do your very best and accept and love all those parts of you that may need some polishing, just like one loves a small child, that is still growing and learning, you will live at peace with yourself and with the world. If you are aware of your own weaknesses and imperfections when you notice them in other people, you may have more compassion, toward yourself and toward other people.

If you embrace and accept your human nature, even while you are unfolding spiritually, if you let yourself be, instead of indulging in feelings of guilt, you will also lose the temptation to point fingers at others, you will let them be. People who tell others "you should be ashamed of this or that", are those who are burdened and tormented with feelngs of guilt, hoping that if they can make someone else feel guilty, they could feel better about themselves, but they never do, until they learn to accept themselves just the way they are.

When you fully and completely accept yourself, then it won't matter what anyone else says or thinks about you, because you will be at peace with yourself. If you have accepted all that you have judged as "good" and "bad" about you and someone says that something you did was "bad", you can acknowledge that you could've done better, love yourself just the way you are, and if you feel that you need to change something about you, change when you are ready. You can take whatever action is appropriate without ever crucifying yourself for the errors you made. You can simply correct the errors that you can, move on with your life and keep on doing your best.

So, if you like take some time to welcome all those aspects of yourself that have thought, said or did things you may not feel so good or proud of. Embrace them as if they were your own little children. Call back any parts of you that you feel ashamed of, any parts of you that make you feel guilty, and embrace them. And as you do, you may become aware that they are transforming and dissolving into pure energy and you are feeling more and more alive, free, expanded, happy and at peace. As you accept and love all of you, all that is part of your being and your life, you may discover that you have opened the door to miracles and many wonderful surprises.

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