How Sanskrit, Tantric and Tibetan Mantras can help you to reach your goals
Sanskrit is primarily an energy based language, where each sound puts you in resonance with a specific vibration. Sanskrit mantras tune you into and open you up to specific energies like healing, prosperity, inner peace, love, protection, luck, illumination, happiness.
Sanskrit mantras help you to release the energies that are not beneficial for you and are preventing your enjoyment of life. Sanskrit mantras help you to draw into your life whatever you need to live a fulfilling life.
Everything in the universe is made out of energy and everything vibrates with its own specific frequency. Each one of us is made out of energy that vibrates at a particular frequency and everything that we desire to have in our lives also vibrates at a particular frequency. Mantras help us to alter our vibration, our frequency, so that it resonates with that which we desire to experience. If you understand and apply the principle of vibration in your life, you will never suffer any lack. With the help of Sanskrit mantras you can tune yourself into whatever vibration you would like to experience in your life.
The rhythmic repetition of sanskrit mantras is hypnotic in effect. It opens the doors of your subconscious mind. For fastest results mantras should be repeated with devotion, with feeling, with love toward that which you desire to experience and with love toward Higher Power. The Laws of the Mind that apply to working with hypnosis also apply to working with mantras, namely that what you intend, what you focus upon, you will tend to draw into your life. However, mantras go a step further.
Each Sanskrit mantra has its own "siddhi" - a spiritual power that unfolds through the use of mantra. The word "siddhi" literally means "perfection", "attainment", "success", but is frequently used to refer to any powers we may view as supra mundane, from telepathy and clairvoyance to psychokinesis, levitation, remembering past lives, changing the size of one's body, entering the body of another person, and others. Together with "siddhis" are often included "riddhis", which relate to obtaining material wealth, power, having sexual appeal, etc.
Eight primary siddhis are: reducing one's body even to the size of an atom, expanding one's body to an infinitely large size, becoming infinitely heavy, becoming almost weightless, having unrestricted access to all places, realizing whatever one desires, possessing absolute lordship, the power to subjugate all.
Ten secondary siddhis are: being undisturbed by hunger, thirst, and other bodily disturbances, clairaudience, clairvoyance, teleportation, shapeshifting, entering the bodies of others, dying when one desires, perfect accomplishment of one's determination, orders or commands being unimpeded, witnessing and participating in the pastimes of "apsaras" - celestial nymphs.
Five additional siddhis are knowing the past, present and future; tolerance of heat and cold, knowing the minds of others, checking the influence of the elements - fire, sun, water, earth, poisons; being invincible.
As you work with mantras, you may find different abilities spontaneously emerging from within you, simply because through repeating mantras, your entire being begins to resonate with that particular vibration and any powers contained within that vibration begin to express through you.
As you begin working with mantras, the first beneficial effect you may become aware of is an increased peace of mind, and disappearance of any worries, fears or anxieties. You may experience increased sense of inner strength and well being. If you chant mantras aloud, you may experience your entire being vibrating so exquisitely triggering endorphins, pleasure hormones within you that if you suffered from any addictions, you may find these addictions falling off of their own accord, because the inner pleasure will surpass whatever external addiction was able to do for you. You may also find different aspects of your life improving and harmonizing even if you didn't "intend" to work on them, simply because you will begin to synchronize yourself with greater harmony.
Traditionally mantras should be repeated 108 times for 40 days. It may very well happen that the goal you are working on manifests sooner, but the more often you repeat the mantra, the more that particular vibration becomes established within you. Some mantras for unfolding of special powers are traditionally repeated 125,000 times or even 500,000 and it may sound like a lot, but if something thrills your entire being with ecstasy and makes you feel good, then you welcome each new repetition - even more so when along the way, you notice some unexpected wonderful surprises coming into your life because you have chosen to work with changing the vibration of your life with mantras.
Click here for Sanskrit, Tantric and Tibetan mantra CDs and free videos
Labels: mantras, sanskrit mantra, seed sounds, tantric mantra, tibetan mantras
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