Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hypnosis Reading Test

Your mind is more powerful than you may have ever realized. The above test is a great example of how your mind uses past learning to interpret an experience you are having in the moment. This example being your ability to read, what should be unreadable, due to the fact that you learned these words in the past.

Can we find a connection to this when we are seeking ways to improve our living experience? I believe so. At times in our lives, we learn certain behaviors, that at the time, benefit us in one way or another. As time passes, we find that some of these behaviors no longer benefit us. Sometimes we are able to very easily change the behavior, but other times we get stuck in the behavior. Much like you were able to read the above based on what you have learned, these unwanted behaviors continue to replay themselves automatically.

So, what do we do when this happens? One very effective way is to enter a state of re-learning through hypnosis. I have always viewed hypnosis as a focused state of learning. Every challenge we have, whether it be fear of situations or an unwanted habit, was learned at some point in our past. I understand that sometimes it seems as if these behaviors come suddenly from no where, but this is usually due to a continual confirming of something learned in the past until it becomes realized.

Imagine then, entering a state of hypnosis, a state of re-learning, where you can gain new perspectives and understandings to transform these unwanted behaviors. Scientifically, when you learn something new, your brain begins to create new neural pathways which trigger new behavior. Its like re-programming your mind to create the behaviors that you want. The instant you accept new learning, in the subconscious level of the mind, these new behaviors will become automatic and just as easily acted upon as it was for you to read the above test.

Now aren't you simply the most amazing being?

And here you can find a wonderful selection of hypnosis recordings to help you reach your dreams faster

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Friday, December 25, 2009

Tips for Better Health

Short of a physical accident, most of physical ailments are a result of short or long-term unhealthy lifestyle - the primary cause being a lack of peace of mind. Worry, stress, fear, anger, feelings of dissatisfaction and inadequacy release poisons into the bloodstream, block the flow of energy, lower the immune system, and eventually result in some form of physical ailment. And even though physical dis-ease is often a result of mental dis-ease, each person is capable of restoring balance, peace and optimal health, eradicating even congenital problems.

Permanent good health is a result of a healthy and balanced life-style. Even though a medical professional may prescribe medicine to alleviate the symptoms, unless a person commits to a healthy and balanced life-style, sooner or later the imbalance will express through the body.

Here are some common-sense tips for a better health:

Create a balanced life-style

Decide what is important for you in your life and organize your schedule so that you have enough time to cultivate different areas of your life. Do something each day that will energize your body, something that will stimulate your mind, something that will open your heart and something that will deepen your connection to the spirit within you.

Live With Integrity

Be true to yourself and do your best in whatever you undertake to accomplish. That way you'll be at peace with yourself and with your life.

Forgive Yourself and Others

No one is perfect and each one of us has lessons to learn. If you keep on doing your best, then whatever mistakes you make you can learn from them and next time try another way of doing things. As for others, if they're not your cup of tea, let them go (they'll learn whatever they need to learn when they're ready) and move on. There is no point in dragging the burdens from the past. Release them from your life and open yourself to new experiences.

Engage in Some Form of Physical Exercise

Engaging in physical exercise will help you move the energy in your body. There are plenty of physical activities, so find something that you'd enjoy doing whether it's weight-lifting, swimming, biking, dancing, martial arts, yoga, chi-kung, tai chi, or whatever else may appeal to you.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Different people have different nutritional needs and preferences, and what may be perfect for one person may not be perfect for another, so listen to your body and notice what kind of food is making you feel more alive and energized. You may choose to fast once in a while to detoxify your body. You may also supplement your diet with vitamins and herbal supplements.

Spend Each Day Some Time in Peaceful Meditation

Establish a good relationship with that all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful part of you that is in a state of constant peace.

And whenever you need to, you can use self-hypnosis to restore health to your body -
Click here for Accelerated Healing program

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Affirmations for Prosperity

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sanskrit Seed Sound Mantra for Good Luck

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Sanskrit Mantra for Abundance

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How Sanskrit, Tantric and Tibetan Mantras can help you to reach your goals

Sanskrit is primarily an energy based language, where each sound puts you in resonance with a specific vibration. Sanskrit mantras tune you into and open you up to specific energies like healing, prosperity, inner peace, love, protection, luck, illumination, happiness.
Sanskrit mantras help you to release the energies that are not beneficial for you and are preventing your enjoyment of life. Sanskrit mantras help you to draw into your life whatever you need to live a fulfilling life.

Everything in the universe is made out of energy and everything vibrates with its own specific frequency. Each one of us is made out of energy that vibrates at a particular frequency and everything that we desire to have in our lives also vibrates at a particular frequency. Mantras help us to alter our vibration, our frequency, so that it resonates with that which we desire to experience. If you understand and apply the principle of vibration in your life, you will never suffer any lack. With the help of Sanskrit mantras you can tune yourself into whatever vibration you would like to experience in your life.

The rhythmic repetition of sanskrit mantras is hypnotic in effect. It opens the doors of your subconscious mind. For fastest results mantras should be repeated with devotion, with feeling, with love toward that which you desire to experience and with love toward Higher Power. The Laws of the Mind that apply to working with hypnosis also apply to working with mantras, namely that what you intend, what you focus upon, you will tend to draw into your life. However, mantras go a step further.

Each Sanskrit mantra has its own "siddhi" - a spiritual power that unfolds through the use of mantra. The word "siddhi" literally means "perfection", "attainment", "success", but is frequently used to refer to any powers we may view as supra mundane, from telepathy and clairvoyance to psychokinesis, levitation, remembering past lives, changing the size of one's body, entering the body of another person, and others. Together with "siddhis" are often included "riddhis", which relate to obtaining material wealth, power, having sexual appeal, etc.

Eight primary siddhis are: reducing one's body even to the size of an atom, expanding one's body to an infinitely large size, becoming infinitely heavy, becoming almost weightless, having unrestricted access to all places, realizing whatever one desires, possessing absolute lordship, the power to subjugate all.

Ten secondary siddhis are: being undisturbed by hunger, thirst, and other bodily disturbances, clairaudience, clairvoyance, teleportation, shapeshifting, entering the bodies of others, dying when one desires, perfect accomplishment of one's determination, orders or commands being unimpeded, witnessing and participating in the pastimes of "apsaras" - celestial nymphs.

Five additional siddhis are knowing the past, present and future; tolerance of heat and cold, knowing the minds of others, checking the influence of the elements - fire, sun, water, earth, poisons; being invincible.

As you work with mantras, you may find different abilities spontaneously emerging from within you, simply because through repeating mantras, your entire being begins to resonate with that particular vibration and any powers contained within that vibration begin to express through you.

As you begin working with mantras, the first beneficial effect you may become aware of is an increased peace of mind, and disappearance of any worries, fears or anxieties. You may experience increased sense of inner strength and well being. If you chant mantras aloud, you may experience your entire being vibrating so exquisitely triggering endorphins, pleasure hormones within you that if you suffered from any addictions, you may find these addictions falling off of their own accord, because the inner pleasure will surpass whatever external addiction was able to do for you. You may also find different aspects of your life improving and harmonizing even if you didn't "intend" to work on them, simply because you will begin to synchronize yourself with greater harmony.

Traditionally mantras should be repeated 108 times for 40 days. It may very well happen that the goal you are working on manifests sooner, but the more often you repeat the mantra, the more that particular vibration becomes established within you. Some mantras for unfolding of special powers are traditionally repeated 125,000 times or even 500,000 and it may sound like a lot, but if something thrills your entire being with ecstasy and makes you feel good, then you welcome each new repetition - even more so when along the way, you notice some unexpected wonderful surprises coming into your life because you have chosen to work with changing the vibration of your life with mantras.

Click here for Sanskrit, Tantric and Tibetan mantra CDs and free videos

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Lotto Black Book Recommendation Retraction

I no longer recommend Lotto Black Book.

If you have purchased Lotto Black Book through Deep Trance Now website, and you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can either get a full refund or you if you do not want to go through the refund hassle, I will be happy to let you download for free 4 supraliminal plus recordings of your choice - just forward me the email with your receipt for the purchase of Lotto Black book and email me the titles of the 4 free supraliminal plus recordings that you would like to download.

This offer is valid until December 31, 2009.

Over the years I have purchased variety of books related to winning the lottery, lotto systems, and computer software for tracking lottery numbers, because I have friends who enjoy tracking lottery numbers and working with different lottery systems and they say it works well for them. I have discovered that I don't have the patience to track lottery numbers and that I much prefer to experiment using mind power and intuition.

One could say that even if you were working with a lottery system, you are developing intuitive knowledge, partly based on your experience, and partly because whether you are consciously aware of it or not, you are tuning in on subconscious level into the game you are playing.

While no one can guarantee that you will win the lottery with any particular method, by experimenting with different methods and finding one that best works for you by experimenting with different methods and techniques, you will be increasing your chances of winning. It is for that reason that I have offered Lottery Black Book program, expecting it to be one of the lottery systems that may be fun for someone who enjoys tracking lottery numbers, even though it may not be my cup of tea.

I have created different recordings for Winning the Lottery and they are all based on methods and techniques that I have used and still am using successfully in different areas of my life. While we may all have different talents, abilities and affinities, and some methods may feel more natural for one person, while for others the same method may be more challenging, and sometimes we may be in a state of mind where we are getting as if by grace results with a method we never used before, for the most part, any method involving the use of subconscious mind can be developed and improved upon through practice. One would be also more inclined to practice a method one enjoys. I am passionate about experimenting with mind power and the methods and techniques that work for me all revolve around using mind power - some are based on asking for guidance and accessing my intuition, and some on programming my subconscious mind with desired outcomes.

What may work best for you, only you can tell through experimenting with methods that you feel drawn to experiment with. If you've never won anything, the best way to practice is - just on paper without investing any money - until you develop enough skill to win consistently, even if you are just breaking even until you start winning more. If you play with money, play only with the amount of money which if you lose, you won't lose your sleep over. Participating in games of chance is supposed to be an entertainment, something you do with extra money you have for the fun of it. It should never be your main financial strategy, and if you win big and you never have to work again for money - that's great - if you don't, you may still experience fun and excitement from participating in games of chance and still enjoy peaceful dreams.

Personally, I do participate in games of chance every now and then and when I win, I win consistently. When it comes to picking lottery numbers or tickets, I use all the methods I have described on Win the Lottery CDs, plus I experiment with few others which I will mention at a later date. Sometimes I pick numbers intuitively, sometimes I get quick-pick numbers, sometimes I get scratch tickets, sometimes I play a selection of numbers for few months, and sometimes I experiment with combination of methods. I pick the method that feels right for me at the time. And the only thing I can tell you for sure is that I win more if I actually focus on winning for a while, then if I just buy tickets and forget about them. Again what works best for you, you can only find out from your own experiments and experience.

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Thursday, December 03, 2009

"I won the lottery, which I think everybody has done at one time or another"

Even Sault Ste. Marie's newest millionaire gets sticker shock when booking with Air Canada.

Virginia Bouchard was buying tickets Monday to attend Ontario Lottery and Gaming's prize centre for herself, her husband, Brian, their three children and a son-in-law.

"When they told me it was $8,000 and something for us to fly for the day, my husband asked what kind of people spend that kind of money. And I said, 'I guess millionaires do,'" said a still giddy Bouchard, 51, from Toronto Wednesday.

As much of Sault Ste. Marie has known, the lifelong Sault Ste. Marie resident shared in Friday night's $25 million Lotto Max jackpot. She found out Sunday night after a busy weekend - and a dream the night before that "I won the lottery, which I think everybody has done at one time or another."

Everyone might have dreamt they won the jackpot; not everybody lives out the dream of calling your boss Monday morning to quit.

"I retired at 8:01 Monday morning," said the former supervisor at Canadian Tire auto department. He took it well, she says.

While she has "definitely" had meetings with an investment adviser, she's not exactly sure what to do with the money. She and Brian recently returned from a holiday in Las Vegas and a trip to Florida was planned for next March.

Birthdays for the kids, aged 24 to 31, are coming up, as is Christmas. As for Bouchard, "I got my present already."

A family of three from Burlington, Ont., stepped forward late Monday afternoon to claim their $12.5-million portion of the jackpot.

The Sault has declared several lottery millionaires through the years, including at least a half-dozen minimum $2-million winners. In 1991 registered nurse Irene Kangas won the $13.9 million jackpot, at that time Canada's biggest single-ticket lottery prize.

In 1987, Bob Campbell claimed the top prize of $6.4 million and last October Joyce Sandvik, 78, won the $9.7 million jackpot.

ref. Sun Media

If you haven't won the lottery yet, click here and you just may start winning now ...

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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Your Dreams Can Give You Lottery Numbers

How Using Dreams and Other Techniques Helped a Lottery Winner Almost Repeat Her Good Fortune!

Shortly after my first big win, I had a dream. I was standing in line at my favorite convenience store in New Port Richey, FL, when five numbers came up for Fantasy Five. The Lotto machine at the store actually "coughed them up" and a mechanical sounding voice read off the numbers while I was inside the store (in my dream). I awoke with a start, and scrambled to find a pen and something to write on in order to get the numbers down before they faded from memory. I went in and bought a 30 draw ticket with these numbers, and a few days later, four of the five numbers came in, and I was one number off from the other! If I had chosen 19 instead of 18, I would have won another $30,000!! I wasn't greedy, though- I was grateful for the extra money, and used most of it to buy groceries for a friend who was having a hard time paying the bills and keeping food in the house.

In his book 10,000 Dreams Interpreted, Gustavus Miller cites the long history of using dreams and their interpretation as a predictive tool. He quotes the Christian Bible: "In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then he openeth the ears of men and sealeth their instruction that he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.'' --Job xxxiii., 15.

Miller writes in his preface: "The Bible, as well as other great books of historical and revealed religion, shows traces of a general and substantial belief in dreams. Plato, Goethe, Shakespeare and Napoleon assigned to certain dreams prophetic value. Joseph saw eleven stars of the Zodiac bow to himself, the twelfth star. The famine of Egypt was revealed by a vision of fat and lean cattle. The parents of Christ were warned of the cruel edict of Herod, and fled with the Divine Child into Egypt. Pilate's wife, through the influence of a dream, advised her husband to have nothing to do with the conviction of Christ. But the gross materialism of the day laughed at dreams, as it echoed the voice and verdict of the multitude, 'Crucify the Spirit, but let the flesh live.' Barabbas, the robber, was set at liberty. The prophets and those who have stood nearest the fountain of universal knowledge used dreams with more frequency than any other mode of divination."

The Alpha state of mind is also used as a predictive tool. It is a meditative state used in many Shamanistic rituals. When I picked my winning numbers the first time, I got my blank card and meditated on it, putting myself into the Alpha state. I did this with closed eyes. Then, I opened my eyes and looks for the numbers on the grid which seemed to be "vibrating" or "dancing". I picked seven combinations of five numbers, and bought 30 days of each combination. The investment was $210. At that time, I had come into an inheritance, so I was blessed with the money to be able to do this. Only play what you can afford; do not bet your rent money or mortgage payment, or utility bill money.

(ref. Associated Content, Dottie Blake)


Click here to learn how to get lottery winning numbers through your dreams
