How you choose to look at a world will determine what you will be able to accomplish with hypnosis, because your perception will influence your belief system. How you perceive yourself and your relationship to the world will determine what will be possible and what will be impossible for you to accomplish.
Traditional (therapeutic) hypnosis emerged from obscurity and gained popularity in the west primarily through its acceptance by medical practitioners. Medical science, even as practiced today, is still based on the worldview which goes back about 300 years ago. It is the worldview of classical, Newtonian, physics, which looks upon the universe and the human body as consisting of separate parts, solid objects, which are just part of the machinery. We even use the metaphor of computer hardware and software to describe workings of the subconscious mind - but, there is one major difference between computers and subconscious mind: computers don't have feelings, desires and fears. Subconscious, on the other hand, is the realm of emotions. The supreme ruler of the subconscious is Love. Fear is that which creates obstacles and roadblocks, Love is that which opens the way.
A couple of centuries ago, Descartes made contribution to philosophy and science by suggesting that mind and body are entirely separate and have nothing to do with each other. Incredible as it may be, our modern medical science still firmly holds to this worldview. For a medical doctor, claiming that your mind is more powerful than your body, claiming that your mind can entirely restore the health of your body, that your mind can alter your body, may represent a professional suicide.
If you accept this limited worldview of classical physics which only applies to four dimensional objects (three dimensions of space and one of time), great many things which you could otherwise accomplish with hypnosis, will be simply impossible to accomplish, not because you do not already possess all that you may possibly need to express greatness, but because the worldview which you adopt will influence your belief system, your expectations and what you will allow yourself to experience, what you will feel comfortable to experience without shattering your belief system and your comfort zone.
You are not a robot, you are not an apple falling down from a tree, you are not a ping-pong ball. You are much more. Not only are you a multi-dimensional being, but you have the power and the ability to act from a higher dimension, from a dimension of your mind, from a dimension of your consciousness, and create changes in your physical reality. You are the one who chooses from which dimension you want to live your daily life. It only takes one little shift in consciousness, one little shift in perception to find yourself traveling along the highway of the future that may yet be beyond your wildest imaginings. I have had experiences that were far more wonderful and powerful than anything I could've ever imagined even possible for a human being to experience because I opened myself to them and allowed them to happen. And so will you, if you open your mind and your heart and allow yourself to be guided from within you.
The greatest treasure and the greatest power which many have been chasing in the outer world, are right within you. You don't need to fight for it or to chase it. You merely need to bring it out and use is consciously and intentionally every day. If you do, each day you will be able to accomplish greater and greater things. You owe it to yourself. Why in the world would you settle for a few crumbs you can find in the outer world, when you can create anything you desire from within you? The entire glorious road-path is already within you. You don't have to wrack your brains. You only need to bring it into your awareness. Why settle for a mediocre life, when you were destined to have an exquisite life?
I have been amused over the years at the reactions of those who would have experiences that don't fit in the worldview of classical physics - the worldview we use to separate what we consider "real" and toss out the window the rest as "unreal" because we don't have eyes to see it - yet rather than attempt to understand what made such experiences possible, they would just deny them and they'd keep on repeating - "yes, that happened, I have experienced it, but I still don't believe it, I don't believe that it is possible". And so do most other people. That which they don't understand, they decide that it's "unreal", "impossible", and often they project their own ignorance upon the rest of the world by boldly stating "nobody knows". And the reason I felt compelled to write this particular article is because many people in helping professions (and many hypnotists and hypnotherapists among them) are so unaware of the true power of the mind (it's a shame, really) and instead of teaching and helping people to unfold into greatness, instead of liberating people from limitations, they are binding them with more chains into powerlessness – by laughing at people's dreams and telling them that this or that is impossible. What kind of a favor is that and to whom?
I am also amused when I watch programs by "scientists" who seem to consider that something is alive only if it looks like them. According to the classical science, which we have been taught in school, something is considered alive only if it moves in some way and if you can perceive it with your physical senses or with equipment that has been invented up to date. There are many other things and beings very much alive and moving about, yet they reside on a different vibratory level, in a different dimension and some of them can shift their vibration enough to become visible to your physical senses or to become invisible. I have seen some of them and perhaps you have too. If there's anything strange to this, it's only how blind we can choose to be, or how ignorant or arrogant by pointing to our bodies and saying "that's the greatest thing in the universe". There's just more to us and to this world than what we call physical dimension, more than that which we can perceive with physical senses.
While the worldview of classical physics has contributed to the development of different sciences which relate to physical dimension of experience, it has taken life out of life. It has separated matter from that which gives it life. It has separated matter from the intelligence that governs it. In this worldview of classical physics you are practically a victim of circumstances, your fate and fortune depends on something outside of you over which you may have very little, if any, control. As a human being, you are essentially dis-empowered, left at the mercy of the circumstances and you are bound to feel very lonely and pretty scared because a possible danger lurks around every corner. When you adopt this worldview, life seems rather hard, you have to struggle and fight and buy a lot of insurance to compensate for any possible losses. If you haven't noticed, insurance doesn't protect you from losses, it merely provides, often inadequate compensation. Insurance feeds on and thrives on your fears. When you buy insurance, you are actively proclaiming your faith in fear and you're programming your subconscious with expectation of some disaster yet to happen. I am mentioning this just to bring into your awareness the fact that you program your subconscious mind not only with a few phrases you may repeat as affirmations or listen to daily through hypnosis or subliminal recordings, but with a way you live your life on day to day basis. The actions in your life are based either on love and trust or on fear. With your daily thoughts and actions you are constantly affirming your allegiance to Infinite Loving Power within you or to fear and powerlessness. Who do you trust? Who do you give the power to rule your life?
With the worldview of classical physics you get to live a life of fear, filled with an assortment of anxieties. Is it any wonder that so many people are stressed out of their minds? Is it any wonder that so many people are swallowing an assortment of pills, drugging themselves into oblivion and doing whatever they can think of to escape from it? With this worldview you live to survive, to win at any cost, because it is the survival of the fittest. With this worldview you get to fight against the entire world until you run out of fuel and you die from exhaustion, boredom or meaninglessness of such life. You get to play the game of the grand illusion, where you always feel that something is missing, but you don't know exactly what. You don't even care to look for what is missing, because most people out there will try to convince you that that is a "normal" life and the only thing you can do is accept it - because those who say so don't know any better than you do.
Then, there is another worldview - a worldview in which the entire universe is filled with a living, loving intelligent energy, with one life that connects everyone and everything. It is the worldview of quantum physics, of metaphysics, and the essence of all spiritual traditions. They may use different words, but they say the same thing.
In a life of every individual a time comes when they hit the place some call "the pits" - when something apparently so dreadful happens, that life doesn't seem to be worth living any more. It is one of the greatest blessings, because then the person has an opportunity to awaken to the fact that whatever he thought of the world before, whichever way he lived his life, doesn't work - and that nothing will change in one's outer reality until the person is willing to change from within in a radical way. If your worldview doesn't embrace all life, then you are living like a living dead - then no matter how many possessions you may have acquired, you have not learned what it means to live and feel alive.
Sometimes I get emails from people who wallow in self-pity. They wallow in self-pity because they have rejected life. They are sort of like black holes, going around and looking where they can find people upon whose life-force they can feed, like "energy vampires". They walk around always hungry and unfulfilled, because they are unwilling to see that to have life and fulfillment, to experience happiness, they have to give it first. Happiness is brought out from within, through sharing it. Getting out of self-pity and depression is the easiest thing to do. All it requires is that you go out and do something wonderful for someone else. That's how you bring wonderful things into your life, by bringing them from the inside out.
Everything in the universe is made out of this energy and your thoughts and emotions influence this energy. In the worldview of quantum physics, metaphysics and spirituality, you are not just another ping-pong ball, you're not a vegetable, you're not just a number, you're not just a statistic. You are a grand cosmic being. You are a creator. You create your reality with your thoughts. Quantum physicist will say "the Observer determines the outcome of the experiment", metaphysicist will say "energy follows thought and what you think you bring into manifestation". In this worldview you have the power to create whatever you desire, if you care to use your mind consciously and intentionally. If you don't care to use it, to cultivate it and develop it, to bring it out, you may just as well end up like a powerless vegetable. You were created with much greater destiny, you were intended to make a contribution, a positive difference in this world, you were created with a mission which is up to you whether you want to accept or reject.
Newtonian physics says - you are the effect of external circumstances and you are at the mercy of them. Quantum physics says - you are the cause of your circumstances, you are the creator of your circumstances, and therefore you have the power to change anything you desire to change simply by changing your thoughts.
You thoughts do not count as far as Newtonian physics is concerned, because, as I mentioned (in part 1), it was intended to study the movement of ping-pong balls and such, and therefore according to that worldview telepathy, remote influence, psychokinesis or altering your body are considered simply impossible - and if you choose to look upon yourself as just another ping-pong ball, the conscious and intentional use of the extraordinary abilities will remain close to impossible for you to accomplish, too.
And perhaps you're willing now to think back about the experiences in your life, and perhaps you can remember a time when you just thought about something and another person voiced that same thing, or when you heard the phone ring and you knew who was calling you before you even picked up the phone, or perhaps there was a time when you and the other person said exactly the same thing at the same time. These are not weird or unusual happenings - they are normal happenings because we are all interconnected - we are all part of one infinite life, we are all part of one infinite mind. Our bodies, though, are like miniature universes and each person and being is like a cell in this body. What we do to others, what we think and feel toward others, will reflect in our own bodies. If you feel resentment or hatred either for the circumstances in your life, or toward someone else, your own body will release poisonous chemicals that will make your body cease to function properly and begin to fall apart. That is why when you rejoice in the wellbeing, happiness and prosperity of another, when you bless the world, you are truly blessing yourself. When you feel love and gratitude for your own life and for the life of others, you are the one who benefits - on all levels of your being.
Once more - the universe, including your body, is made out of energy. Energy moves in circular motion and creates a vibration. Your body is a mass of energy that has a specific vibration. Your thoughts and emotions determine the vibration of your body. Your body appears solid only because your physical senses perceive certain vibratory frequencies as solid. You have the power to alter the vibration of your body with your thoughts and emotions. If you raise the vibration of your body to a frequency higher than what appears to be a solid object, you can pass through it, or if you prefer, it will not affect you, because you will be resonating at different frequencies.
If you cultivate thoughts and emotions of the highest vibration - love for yourself and for all life, all that which resonates at the lower vibration will pass by you and will not touch you. If there's anyone or anything in your life that is tormenting you, send them love and one of two things will happen - you'll either develop a harmonious relationship or they'll leave your life. Those who are temporarily still committed to low-life, to low vibration, simply won't be able to withstand the high vibration of love. By sending them love, I mean wish them happiness and wellbeing, see them as happy and content. No one who is truly happy and content will ever wish another anything bad. Truly happy and content person has only one wish for everyone else - may everyone be happy. If you need a reminder of how that feels - just think of a time when you were deeply in love with someone and when there was nothing else in your awareness other than love. When you looked at the world through the eyes of love, what could you have possibly wished for anyone else other than love, because nothing else existed for you.
If you adopt Newtonian worldview and hold onto the view that your body is solid and unchangeable, and you desire to create a radical change in your body, you'll have a very hard time. You'll be fighting against the wall that you have placed in front of you. There is absolutely nothing stopping you in altering your body, whether for the sake of improving health or for esthetic purposes, other than the beliefs which are primarily tied in to your worldview. It doesn't matter what genetic condition you may want to change. All that it takes to open the door to desired change is a shift in perception, shift in worldview. To create a change, you must be willing to leave behind the worldview of classical physics - it does not contribute to your wellbeing in any way. The only way that you will be able to create radical changes in your body is if you accept the fact that your body is an effect and that the cause is in your mind; that your body is neutral of itself; that it is made out of energy which re-arranges itself according to the pattern you establish with your thoughts.
Wouldn't you rather live in a world where there is nothing to fear because you know that your thoughts are creative, that your thoughts act upon the infinite ocean of energy and that as you focus your mind upon that which you desire to experience in your life, the energy will gather and take shape of that which you desire to experience, for your own pleasure and enjoyment? Wouldn't you rather live in a world where you know that you have the power to create anything you desire to experience, where nothing and no one has power over you, where you can happily co-exist with all life, where you have a perfect place, your own wonderful place under the sun and that you matter, that you are an important part of the puzzle that is called life - that your thoughts influence everything within you and around you, including weather? Wouldn't you rather live in a world where you are aware of your connectedness with all life, knowing that you never are and can never possibly be alone? Wouldn't you rather live in a world where you know that no calamity or disaster can strike you unless you create it with your thoughts first? Wouldn't you rather live in a world where you can never experience lack of any kind unless you have created it with your thoughts first?
These are not fantasy musings. These are facts which you can prove to yourself simply by playing with your thoughts, by first paying attention to what you have been thinking, what kinds of thoughts and emotions you entertain on daily basis and noticing how they have affected your life, and then creating what you desire with intention and focus. Focus means that you become so deeply absorbed in the experience which you desire to create that during the time you are focusing upon the idea you desire to bring into manifestation, nothing else exists for you. The only thing you allow to be present in your awareness is the experience of that which you desire to create in your life.
If it is abundance you desire to create then you spend an hour every day, focusing totally and completely on abundance. The form of abundance is not important. The feeling of abundance is what is important. How does it feel enjoying infinite abundance now? That's the only thing that should be present in your mind, in your emotions, in your awareness. Practice living your daily life with awareness that you are living and moving and having your being in an ocean of infinite abundance, allowing it to flow through you, through your life freely. That is easy to do. It merely requires willingness. Then, whatever leaves your life will not matter because you'll know that there will always be more coming your way, that whatever you desire to create and experience is as close to you as your next thought. Then, you will never again have to fear for your job. And by the way, you did not come into this world to have a job. You came here to create a miraculous life, so go and create something beautiful with your life. What would you like your life to stand for?
Here is, in short, how the process of transformation occurs from the perspective of quantum physics and metaphysics. Your thoughts act upon the energy of that which you desire to alter. Your focused thought raises or lowers the vibration - depending on what you desire to accomplish.
If you desire to create something, apparently out of nothing (there is no such thing as nothing - there is only intelligent energy, life-force), by focusing upon its manifested form, you lower the vibration until it becomes visible to physical senses.
If you desire to raise the vibration of something, imagine that something filled with, or made out of, light and love. Love and light are the highest common denominator / vibration of everything that is manifested. It's simple and straightforward. Focusing upon light and love will harmonize you with all Life, with Infinite Love, Power and Wisdom. Love and Light are the magic wand that will open all doors for you. Love and light will make possible for you to accomplish that which previously might have seemed impossible.
It is through your own experiments and experience that you'll get better acquainted with your creative power and in time you will be able to do more and more. If you desire to experience a radical change in your ability, then you must first experience a radical shift in consciousness - and to do so, you have to open yourself to it.
And always remember, the greatest treasure of the entire world is right within you. You may use all the tools and devices you like from the outer world to help you access the Infinite Power and Intelligence, but they are and always will be with you and within you. No human being can give you anything greater than that which was already given you, but some can help you to bring it out. Life was given you to create a wonderful, beautiful, unique, piece of art with it. No greater treasure will you find anywhere else. Love it and use it well.
Labels: change physical image, deeptrancenow, healing, laura de giorgio, manifesting, quantum view, supernatural powers, supramundane, worldview