Become Lucky
Luck is a state of mind. People who are lucky, people who think of themselves as lucky tend to think and behave in different ways than those who think of themselves as unlucky.
Our thinking and acting may cause us to experience serendipitous events in some areas of our lives and to experience seeming obstacles in other areas. Changing the way we think may change our experience instantly.
For example, many years ago, a friend used to take me to play Bingo. During the first two years I played I won absolutely nothing. I believed that it was not part of my destiny to win anything playing games of chance. I didn't expect to win anything and I didn't win anything.
Then one day, the Law of gratitude crossed my mind, and just for the sake of experiment I began expressing gratitude - in advance - for winning a specific game at Bingo that evening. For about an hour that afternoon I kept on subjectively experiencing myself winning a specific game on a green card at Bingo and feeling gratitude for the winnings. I went to Bingo that evening, and I won exactly the game for which I was expressing gratitude. From that day onward I kept on winning consistently.
One day I needed $200, so I went to Bingo. A friend of mine dropped by in the middle of the game which paid $200. He knew that I didn't have any money to throw away, and he made fun of me and laughed at the idea that I came to Bingo to get $200 that I needed. Several numbers later, as all the numbers I needed came, I raised my card and yelled "Bingo!" - I just won $200 I needed. My friend was speechless. I smiled and said "Mind over matter!"
Later on I won jackpots at Bingo and playing slot machines, again giving thanks in advance for the winnings. While I don't believe in gambling as a strategy for creating financial wealth, I do consider playing games of chance as a fun way of conducting mind over matter experiments. If you play with money, play only with the money you can afford to lose even if you are 100% sure that you are going to win, or better yet, practice first playing games with fun money, until you develop some proficiency in directing the outcome of the game with your mind.
If you play games of chance, one of the things you may learn rather fast is the necessity of letting go, of detaching from the outcome. People often ask me how can you have a desire for something and detach from it at the same time. You do that by shifting into a state of an observer, as if you were observing a miracle that is being done through you, rather than you doing it yourself, of if you will, rather than you doing anything consciously.
Here is an example from the time I dealt a game of roulette at a casino. A player put me in the game by giving me a $25 chip. I could put it on any number, and what I win would be my tip. I picked number "8" - it was as good as any other number. My task was to spin the ball so it lands on number 8. That was beyond what I was able to do consciously, so I called upon that power and intelligence that expresses through my body, through roulette wheel, through roulette ball and everything else. You may call it unconscious, subconscious, Greater Self, God or whatever you like. I had merely silently expressed my intent, that the ball lands in slot with number 8, and then I surrendered my hand to this Greater Self, and spun the ball from the state of mind of an observer rather than a do-er. The ball landed exactly on number 8 and I got a tip of $900.
All instant manifestation of anything involves exactly the same process of expressing an intent and then surrendering yourself, letting go and detaching yourself from the outcome by shifting into an observer state of mind. Instead of doing anything consciously, you simply watch the miracle happen, you let your unconscious, subconscious, your Greater Self, God, or whatever you like to call it, do its thing.
When you are in a do-er state of mind, you experience some tension in your body, maybe the greatest tension is felt somewhere in the area of solar plexus. When you shift into an observer state, you experience peace and relaxation. When you are tense, you block the energy from manifesting, when you are relaxed you let it flow and you allow the desired outcome to happen.
This observer state of mind is also an ideal state to be in between your self-hypnosis sessions, when you are done stating your intent in some way, usually by subjectively experiencing your desired outcome. It is like a state of joyful expectation, a state of openness, a state of allowing.
You could say that people who consider themselves lucky tend to look for signs that affirm the manifestation of their desired outcomes, while those who consider themselves unlucky tend to look for signs that affirm that what they desire is not there yet and may never even happen.
If you walk through life with the belief that "something good comes out of everything", you'll always discover something good in every situation, something you can rejoice in and feel grateful for. These feelings by themselves raise your energy level, your vibration, align you, harmonize you with all power and what you desire to experience begins to happen spontaneously and effortlessly.
A couple of women here in Toronto won $1 million dollars on instant lottery tickets which they purchased during a shopping spree before their weddings. The forthcoming weddings put them into a state of mind of joyful expectation, into a state of mind where they were in love with life and everything felt wonderful and perfect and the lottery winnings manifested as natural expression of this inner joy.
If you pay attention to what happens in your life when you feel in love with anything, when you feel happy and blissful, you may notice that you are at such times in greater harmony with everything and good things happen spontaneously and effortlessly because you are allowing life to flow through your being.
Many years ago, a young man who reminded me of one of my spiritual teachers, invited me to go with him to a racetrack where the horse he was training and which was to race the next day, was staying. I've never been at a racetrack before, so I was curious. When we got there, the young man left me alone with the horse for a few moments, and as I gazed into the eyes of that horse, I suddenly felt my body and the horse's body dissolving, horse and I merging into one and expending all across the universe - as one, pure, formless spirit. The experience was out of this world and so overwhelming that tears came to my eyes. The boy and the horse, who were staying at this racetrack only for one race, left the city, but I kept going back to the racetrack, hoping to have that otherworldly experience again, hoping to again experience myself free of all boundaries.
At first when I went to the racetrack, I didn't bet on any horses. I merely went there, every day, just to practice experiencing that state of oneness with the horses. While I haven't experienced exactly that otherworldly experience I desired, I felt love for everything on that racetrack and all the smells, sounds and sights of the racetrack triggered a sense of delight in me.
I soon discovered that in this state of oneness with the horses, picking winning horses was effortless. Since I had no intention to bet, and no self-interest was involved, there were no obstacles to the free flow of energy and information. I was simply basking in the feeling of love. Sometimes before a particular race I would hear a song in my mind that contained the name of a horse that would win in the forthcoming race. For example, a song about a girl named Cinnamon would play in my mind before a race in which a horse named Cinnamon Toasted won.
If you practice increasing the feeling of love within you, you will notice that your intuition as well as your luck will increase. Through love you get in tune with everything, you step in harmony with everything. It doesn't matter what it is that you love, as long as you let this love flow freely, rather than offering it as a trade-off for something else. The latter is no longer love, it's bargaining. The difference is that when you let love flow through you freely just for the sake of love, the energy flows freely through you, you remain in an open, receptive state. When you are offering love so that you can get something back, your energy tenses up and you begin to close down, to cut yourself off from the wellspring of good fortune. The more open you are, the more blessings, abundance, good fortune you allow into your experience of life. The more open you are, the more expanded you become and the more things you embrace into your life.
You can pick as an object of love anything you feel you can love totally and completely - whether it is the Infinite Spirit as Divine Light, by whatever name you may want to call it, or it is some individual, or an object. It should be something that you can love just for the sake of feeling love in your being and expressing it, not because you want something in return. You can pick something that when you look at it, you simply feel so good all over, you feel happy and love naturally and effortlessly flows through you. When you direct your love toward such individual or an object, or even an abstract idea, that individual or object becomes a doorway to the infinite for you. Through love you align yourself with the infinite, because the essence of the infinite is love.
The Infinite Spirit, the Divine Light is contained in every speck of creation - beginning with yourself and in everything that is visible and invisible, including in all things and circumstances where you'd like to experience more luck.
In some cultures and traditions, people put statues or pictures of different spiritual beings and direct their love toward the infinite thorough those images or objects. If you recognize this Divine Light in yourself, you may as well use your own picture and love the Infinite through your own image. It is not the material image that you love, but rather the Infinite that expresses through it. People may choose pictures of saints, angels and other highly evolved spiritual beings because it is much easier being aware of the Infinite in something which already expresses pure love, rather than in something like a piece of dirt - but the point is that the Infinite Spirit is contained in everything and absolutely anything and everything can serve as a doorway to the infinite if you allow yourself to look beyond appearances.
When you fall in love with someone, you do not judge the person and whatever faults the person may be experiencing, all that you know is that you love. You overlook all the shortcomings and you are only aware of love. At that moment you are aware of that which is Divine, even if it were clothed in mortal flesh.
Whether you choose an object or an individual or anything material, the love you express is putting you in tune with the source of all power, with One Infinite Spirit, One Divine Light expressing through everything, regardless of the form it may take. When you communicate with the Infinite, it will take the form of whatever you have chosen, based on your background, beliefs and experiences, to be Divine for you. Different people can have an experience of the same miraculous event, and each person will see a different form - at the same time - one may see an angel, one may see Jesus, one may see Krishna, or Shiva, one may see mother Mary, or some spiritual teacher or anyone else. The Divine Light becomes translated into the form or name we have ascribed to Divine. The form is then only a doorway to the infinite, a reflection of the infinite love, power and wisdom which reside in you, which in effect are what you truly are.
For many people it seems easier to believe that the love, power and wisdom they desire to experience are in someone or something else, rather than in themselves - and for a while, until they discover that they there is only One love, power and wisdom present in everyone and everything - they find it easier to direct their devotion and faith into someone or something external to them. For a while this external object or individual acts as a mirror of that love, power and wisdom contained in every speck of creation.
Eventually, when you experience the Divine Light, then you know that the whole is contained in every speck of creation - within and without, and you are able to be aware of the Infinite, of Divine in everything - recognizing the Divine in a grain of sand just as in yourself, in any face or in any circumstance.
If you need a lucky charm - whether you pick Lucky Wanga oil, or rabbit's foot, or an image of a saint, or a guru, or some deity, or angel, or even your own image - they will all work equally well if you let them act as doorways to the Infinite through which all the power of creation can flow into your life. Acknowledge the Divine Light in yourself and in all life and love it with all your being and you will walk in tune with all the good fortune in the universe.
Glory to the Divine Light which resides in you and in all life everywhere!
May you walk with love and may luck always be with you!
Labels: become lucky, bingo, deeptrancenow, gratitude, happy go lucky, laura de giorgio, luck, lucky, winner, winning at bingo, winning lottery
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